Community Calendar FEATURED EVENTS Advertise With UsMar 15 Ivy Madness Men's Basketball Semifinal Game 1Paul Bailey Pizzitola Memorial Sports CenterMar 16 Ivy Madness Men's Basketball ChampionshipPaul Bailey Pizzitola Memorial Sports CenterMar 14 Ivy Madness Women's Basketball Semifinal Game 2Paul Bailey Pizzitola Memorial Sports Center0 Selected Categories|All EventsLoading...Enter Search Term Above or Select Category BelowTimeLoading...List ViewParagraph ViewTile ViewMap View My Account Log In Log Out Add EventFriday, Mar 14JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345LocationWithin 25 milesAny13510152025355075100150779.53125Community Tree ProgramNewport Tree Conservancy | Newport, RI 12:00 am22.6 miLent and Holy Week at Saint John'sThe Zabriskie Memorial Church of Saint John the Evangelist | Newport, RI 9:00 am22.3 miBaby PlaytimeChildren's Program Room | Newport, RI 10:00 am22.6 miGraphic Voices of Latin America: Latin American Posters by Gráfica Latina & La LinternaThe WaterFire Arts Center | Providence, RI 10:00 am3.4 miBrain Injury Support GroupBrewed Awakenings | Warwick, RI 10:00 am5.7 miFamily Bilingual Story ClassPawtucket Public Library | Pawtucket, RI 11:00 am4.6 miBeer Pairing Board for RI Craft Beer WeekNewport Vineyards & Restaurant | Middletown, RI 11:00 am20.3 miMuseum of Newport Irish History: Open for Irish Heritage MonthMuseum of Newport Irish History Interpretive Center | Newport, RI 12:00 pm23.6 miSpring Fever! DeBlois Gallery March Open ShowDeBlois Gallery | Middletown, RI 1:00 pm22.6 miTeen & Tween: Gaming LoungeYA Area | Newport, RI 3:00 pm22.6 miIvy Madness Women's Basketball Semifinal Game 1Paul Bailey Pizzitola Memorial Sports Center | Providence, RI 4:30 pm2.0 miGallery Reception - Victoria Guerina: PortraitsCentral Congregational Church | Providence, RI 5:00 pm1.7 miFriday Afternoon Acoustic with Jimmy Weinstock at Newport's Favorite BarNewport, RI 5:30 pm22.6 miFull Moon Gathering with Rev Shelley & Greg SabatinoNorman Bird Sanctuary | Middletown, RI 6:00 pm22.6 miCharcuterie Workshop MEDICI LOUNGE X ARTISAN BITESProvidence, RI 6:00 pm2.2 miRhode Island Guitar Guild (Hacker)The Music Mansion | Providence, RI 6:00 pm2.2 miFull Moon Rides 2025 with Bike Newport, Sponsored by AARPEquality Park Place | Newport, RI 6:00 pm22.3 miWeekend of WishesVenus De Milo | Swansea, MA 6:00 pm10.5 miJAMESTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT'S PRE-ST. PATRICK'S DAY BASH FEATURING: HOWLIN' RHODESNarragansett Cafe | Jamestown, RI 6:00 pm21.9 miCandlelight: Vivaldi's Four Seasons and MoreBishop McVinney Auditorium | Providence, RI 6:00 pm2.5 miFull Moon Bike RideEquality Park | Newport, RI 6:00 pm22.3 miDiverse Worldbuilding for NovelistsLitArts RI | Providence, RI 6:00 pm3.4 miJ. Michael GrahamFoolproof Brewing Company | Pawtucket, RI 6:30 pm4.4 miGrounding MeditationSweatshop Fitness | Coventry, RI 6:30 pm13.2 mi3RD LEFT & Buddahfly & Cultivated Mind & IRIEspectThe Met | Pawtucket, RI 6:30 pm3.7 miPowered by Next Day This Weekend Next Weekend Admin SitePrivacy PolicyTerms of Use© 2025
STOCKING STUFFER WEEKEND! Win tickets to Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at PPAC!