Community Calendar FEATURED EVENTS Advertise With UsMar 22 - Jul 27Illusions Drag BrunchLIT Lounge Night ClubMar 30 Chazz PalminteriRhode Island Center for Performing ArtsMar 30 Chazz Palminteri: A Bronx TaleHistoric Park Theatre and Event Center0 Selected Categories|All EventsLoading...Enter Search Term Above or Select Category BelowTimeLoading...List ViewParagraph ViewTile ViewMap View My Account Log In Log Out Add EventFriday, Mar 21JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345LocationWithin 25 milesAny13510152025355075100150603.53125Community Tree ProgramNewport Tree Conservancy | Newport, RI 12:00 am22.6 miLent and Holy Week at Saint John'sThe Zabriskie Memorial Church of Saint John the Evangelist | Newport, RI 9:00 am22.3 miGuided Mindfulness MeditationNorman Bird Sanctuary | Middletown, RI 9:00 am22.6 miAlchemy in ActionAttleboro, MA 10:00 am7.3 miGentle Yoga for All with Rev Shelley Dungan at Norman Bird SanctuaryNorman Bird Sanctuary | Middletown, RI 10:00 am22.6 miGraphic Voices of Latin America: Latin American Posters by Gráfica Latina & La LinternaThe WaterFire Arts Center | Providence, RI 10:00 am3.4 miMuseum of Newport Irish History: Open for Irish Heritage MonthMuseum of Newport Irish History Interpretive Center | Newport, RI 12:00 pm23.6 miSpring Fever! DeBlois Gallery March Open ShowDeBlois Gallery | Middletown, RI 1:00 pm22.6 miFilm Series - A Look Back: 2022 Award WinnersThe Friends Room | Newport, RI 2:00 pm22.6 miFilm SeriesThe Friends Room | Newport, RI 2:00 pm22.6 miTeen & Tween: Gaming LoungeYA Area | Newport, RI 3:00 pm22.6 miFriday Afternoon Acoustic with Jimmy Weinstock at Newport's Favorite BarNewport, RI 5:30 pm22.6 miJ. Michael GrahamWorking Man Distillers | Pawtucket, RI 6:00 pm4.7 miMandala dot painting with Beth Goulet at Moonstone Art StudioMoonStone Art Studio | Warwick, RI 6:30 pm5.3 miMaster Illusionist - Lyn DilliesScituate High School | Newport, RI 6:30 pm22.6 miSilver TreeMyrtle | East Providence, RI 7:00 pm0.7 miPete Francis - Live in the GreenhouseRagged Island Brewing Company | Portsmouth, RI 7:00 pm14.8 mi1 King Worship ft. Remedy Youth Worship @ The Cafe of HopeThe Café of Hope | Attleboro, MA 7:00 pm6.4 miMystical WaysKeats Theatre at St. Andrews School | Barrington, RI 7:00 pm5.0 miStarry Pines - Painting ClassPaint and Vino | Pawtucket, RI 7:00 pm4.4 miSacred Sound Bath Experience: Spring Renewal for Growth & GraceSoul Sanctuary | Coventry, RI 7:00 pm13.6 miFinal Fridays in Cranston | Dinner with StrangersCranston, RI 7:00 pm4.1 miThe ProducersTHE BLACK BOX | Franklin, MA 7:30 pm18.6 miTHE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHTBurbage Theatre Co | Pawtucket, RI 7:30 pm4.7 miMotley Crue – WildSide 3/21 FRI 7:30pmCourthouse Center for the Arts | West Kingston, RI 7:30 pm24.7 miPowered by Next Day This Weekend Next Weekend Admin SitePrivacy PolicyTerms of Use© 2025
STOCKING STUFFER WEEKEND! Win tickets to Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at PPAC!