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Category Archives: Odd News

Meet Charlie and Calvin…

Meet Charlie and Calvin…

… …they met alien lobsters! Secret audio files deepens mystery of bizarre Pascagoula alien sighting  MORE

Forget medical school

Forget medical school

Just grow vegetables! Mum finds bizarre way to cure daughter’s cough – with a POTATO  MORE

Fly the friendly skies?

Fly the friendly skies?

Not if you’re a bird! United Airlines Refuses To Allow Emotional Support Peacock On Flight  MORE

We need a nickname for this man…

We need a nickname for this man…

…Honey Badger? It’s gotta be Honey Badger, right? He doesn’t care… Professional honey collector fills his t-shirt with thousands of bees  MORE

The trolls said, “Make me a sandwich”, so she did.

The trolls said, “Make me a sandwich”, so she did.

Take that, haters! Teen explorer makes sandwich for sexist trolls – and leaves it at the South Pole Jade Hameister is an incredible explorer. Earlier this month, the 16-year-old became the youngest person to conquer the Polar Hat Trick – having skied to the North Pole, skated across Greenland’s largest ice cap, and skied down…MORE

