Not all pinot noirs are alike! This Willamette Valley Whole Cluster Pinot Noir is very different. The winemaker says this one is as refreshing as liquid fruit salad in a glass!… MORE

Not all pinot noirs are alike! This Willamette Valley Whole Cluster Pinot Noir is very different. The winemaker says this one is as refreshing as liquid fruit salad in a glass!… MORE
Tip 1: The first giveaway is how the watermelon feels when you pick it up. This grocer says it should feel “heavy for its size,” which basically means that it should be a little heavier than expected (even if it’s a smaller melon) when you pick it up. Tip 2: The next thing to do…… MORE
What if I told you that trying to stand on one leg for 20 seconds (or more) could help you gauge the health of your brain? That’s exactly what a new study published in the journal Stroke suggests. Researchers asked about 1,400 people (average age 67) to stand with one leg raised and their eyes…… MORE
Chances are you have a chocolate Easter bunny, maybe several, ready to be devoured this weekend. Did you know that the WAY you eat it reveals something about your personality? Ears First If you’re go for the ears first (like 75% of Americans do) you’re a practical, organized, and traditional person who values security. You…… MORE
I think every family with more than one child has stories to tell about what one sibling did to the other. I famously cut my little brother’s hair with safety scissors, and the results were not good. But I’m willing to bet nothing you or I did compares to this. If your child didn’t put…… MORE
Style experts say the following are good rules to follow: 1) SUNGLASS SIZE The size of your sunglasses should be in proportion with your face size. This means that smaller sunglasses are best for smaller faces; larger sunglasses for larger faces. The frame shape is different: this should contrast with, that is, be the opposite…… MORE
You have probably heard the phrase “lifestyle change” when people talk about weight loss. Unless you are blessed with an incredibly high metabolism, you can’t subsist on pasta, pizza, pancakes, and burgers and not gain weight! But if you LOVE those foods (like I do) there are alternatives. My wife and I have lost a…… MORE
Has this happened to you? You press the HOME button on your Galaxy phone but instead of exiting to your home screen, you end up at the Google App instead. No matter how many times you press the HOME button, you stay on Google. This issue plagued my S5 for weeks, and I couldn’t find the…… MORE
The average hourly rate for a babysitter nationwide is $13.50, according to UrbanSitter, an online babysitting resource. Every year they publish a report that shows average hourly rates across the country, based on recent transactions made by their users. Here is UrbanSitter’s infographic:… MORE
My wife was away for the weekend and it was up to me to cook for the kids. Needless to say, pizza played a part in my weekend plans, but I did make pasta one of the nights, and apparently I have been doing it wrong nearly all my life. Tell me if you you…… MORE