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Worst Halloween Candy | Brian Demay

candy cornWondering what candies to give out this Halloween? Kids in a recent survey say if you want to be a popular house, go for the familiar: Snickers, Milky Way, M&Ms, Kit Kat and Hershey’s are always a safe bet.

Here, then, is a list of candies that kids reportedly HATE. See if you agree:

CANDY CORN. Personally, I love candy corn, but according to the kids surveyed, these are the last ones eaten every year, because they taste waxy, too sweet, and with a strange honey taste. mallow cups

LICORICE. I should clarify: Twizzlers = OK, black licorice = not OK. (Although I like black licorice, too! I’m weird…)

MALLO CUPS. Kids surveyed think they’re Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, but when they bite into marshmallow instead of sweet chocolate and peanut butter, they’re let down.

CIRCUS PEANUTS. Holy moley, does anyone like these things? Circus peanuts are the big peanut-shaped marshmallow things nobody eats. At least, not anyone I have ever known. Ever.

NeccoNECCO WAFERS. I totally disagree with this one. My kids and I both like Neccos, but we are apparently in the minority. Kids surveyed called it chalky, tasteless, and “worse than getting sick the day before you are supposed to take a trip to Disneyland.”

That’s a little harsh. There will always be a place in my heart for candy from the New England Confectionery Company.

Take this list with a grain of…sugar.

Brian Demay

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